
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hey Baby

Hey Baby,

We are almost 30 weeks strong! I sure am proud of us. You are kicking up a storm! Boom, pow, squish, flip, your movements are stronger and more pronounced than ever. You make my stomach morph into lopsided shapes, and it couldn't make me happier. Just the other night, your dad was amazed and felt how strong you've become. Keep it up! Your room is coming together with the design sense of your mama and the strength of your papa. I hope you like all the animal friends hanging out in your room. We'll name them together. I even saved a few of my childhood stuffed and fluffy friends. They will love you too. I can't wait to rock you in our rocker. I say "our" because it's the same one I was once rocked in. It's had a facelift since the 80's but it's the same ol' guy. Some things to note about you and me at this stage of "baking:"
- I am mucho sleepy again just like we were in the beginning.
- My vision has markedly gotten worse. I can tell most when I'm typing on the computer
- You wake up early in the morning for your 4 a.m. kickboxing session
- I can't bend over with comfort any longer.
- Your dad has to help me into the shower as my balance is wonky.
- I drink a bazillion glasses of water a day and still my skin is dry. That's okay, you take all the H2O you need.
- I've gained 16 pounds and passed my glucose test. Victory is ours.
- Your dad says he likes my newly, more voluptuous, brazier size ;), my back, however, does not.
- I walk funny now. It resembles a penguin. 

10 more weeks, my sweet boy. Love you forever,

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