
Monday, January 28, 2013

Bed Rest

I've made it to 19 weeks. Almost half way there and every day I'm thankful I can feel the Little kicking away at my abdomen. I suppose I'm lucky in a way. I've gotten to "see" our baby multiple times and hear the heartbeat almost every week this past month and sometimes three times a day. If you know me, I live by music, but I have to tell you folks, the sound of my baby's heartbeat is the most beautiful music I've ever heard.

Pregnancy, to me, is no doubt a miracle. It's beautiful, and it's messy. There is a human growing inside of me! Amazing! I'm thankful for this gift, and I have to say, there is so much about pregnancy that people don't talk about. (TMI to follow) The bloating, the gas, the extra "fluids", the fatigue, the worry, the aches, the pains, the wonder, the nausea (oh the nausea!), the emotional roller coaster-- people, it's no walk in the park. At least it hasn't been for me. And still I wouldn't trade a thing if it means our Little will be with us in the end.

I thought I lost Little twice now. Two very scary moments and two trips to the hospital have made me terrified to do the things one does every day... move. Long story short, I'm a high-risk pregnancy. At this point, the goal is to not go into pre-term labor. (Come on body, you can do this! You've trained for triathlon's, you've climbed mountains!) The docs have me on bed rest and boy is this body/ mind having a hard time resting. Praying, believing in my body and waiting is all I'm holding on to. Oh and these miraculous pictures...

9 weeks

19 weeks

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