
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Welcome Thomas!: A Birth Story, Part 2

read part 1 here

By the time Jenna came to check on me, I could only lean over my ottoman and had to keep my eyes shut. I couldn't talk to anyone and I had to focus on getting through each contraction. After a couple minutes of watching me, Jenna said it was time to go to the hospital. Matt made the call to the midwife to inform them of our impending arrival. Sidenote: riding in the car, uneven roads and contractions are mortal enemies. Seriously uncomfortable.

We arrived at the hospital around 4:30 p.m. and were taken to triage where they assessed the stage of labor I was in. After the midwife checked my cervix, she annouces I'm 5 centimeters and 6 when in a contraction! I made my goal! She also said, "My dear, you're going to have a baby today, I'll call upstairs and have a room ready for you." The excitement of Thomas coming soon gave me a surge of energy and I felt renewed to go at it for another few hours. Contractions were still going strong at 2 minutes apart.

The first thing I wanted to do as soon as I got to the labor and delivery room was get in the whirlpool tub. After I was checked again and introduced to those who would be assisting me, I got in the tub. OH MY wonderful heavens. It felt  EXTREMELY GOOD to be surrounded in water. These tubs aren't like your tub at home (or at least my tub). It was much deeper and could be filled all the way to my chin. Having the water take some weight off my body really helped to manage the contractions. Jenna dimmed the lights and even set up LED tealights to help create a relaxing environment. For every contraction I went to my hands and knees and would breathe out a low "ooooohhhhhhhhhhh"  and would sit back down in between. Matt was on water patrol and would make sure I kept my fluids up. He was also a positive voice in my ear continuing to tell me I was strong and doing great. Jenna would talk me through every contraction and remind me I was made to do this. She would also slip me food when the midwife and nurse weren't looking (they don't like for you to eat in case there is an emergency, however I really needed the extra energy).  My mom was a quiet strength in the room and I could feel her prayers surround me.

I stayed in this posture the remainder of my laboring. I remember the midwife checking my cervix after having been there two hours declaring I was 8 centimeters! Jenna recommended I try to sit on the toilet since that's a place where one is used to relaxing to allow nature to take it's course. I gave it a try and soon after pronounced I was going to poop! If I hadn't already, I had officially lost all modesty and went about my business (Again, real life). That's truly a memory I'd like to forget, but don't think I will. I decided I better get back in the tub.

Another couple hours later the midwife checked me again. I was 10 centimeters and ready to push! I had to stay on the hospital bed where my mom and doula held my legs and I held onto a bar in front of me (awkward at first). They told me that when my contractions start to make me bear down, to go with it and really give it my all. It took a couple pushes to get the hang of where to focus my energy but once I figured it out, I could tell I was making progress because everyones faces would light up and Matt was saying, "I can see his head! You're doing it!"

The pain at this point was more than I could have ever prepared for. Admittedly, I was scared. I knew he was mere centimeters from being born, but the burning sensation (lovingly referred to as the "ring of fire") is a very real thing and I wanted to stop. After exclaiming "NO NO NO" I was told, "YES, YES, YES, only one more push!" I sat back and took a moment. I had to have a short mental conversation with myself that I had to do this. I had to. There was no other option. The goal was Thomas. I was going to meet Thomas.

I sat back up and with something animalistic I didn't know I had, I pushed very vocally and he came out! Thomas was here! Matt got to deliver him. My midwife allowed him to assist in "catching" Thomas as he entered the world. So amazing. So miraculous. I had done it. We had done it.

Thomas Harlan Melander was born June 29, 2013 at 9:06 p.m. He weighed 7lbs 3 oz. and cried and peed simultaneously upon arrival. That's my boy.

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