
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hey Baby: part 2

Hey Baby,

You are almost 37 weeks! I can't believe you could arrive any day now. Any moment I could start the process of welcoming you to the world! Dad is getting very excited. He's packed his hospital bag and has the car seat all ready for your first drive home. He talks to you all the time and loves feeling your punches and kicks. Speaking of, I now know what they mean when they say you can tell what body part is kicking, punching, sliding or flipping. I always thought it was odd when people would say, oh that's a foot, hand or elbow. But I totally know. Your little feet LOVE to hang out on my ribs. I wish I had a little more room to give you. You like to flip from side to side and I can feel your back pressing on my belly. I love rubbing your back and letting you know I'm here and you're not alone. Your elbows and hands like to jab into my hip and pelvis bones. That, I think, is the most awkward! You're sending mama to the bathroom more than ever before! I can't wait to meet you. Although they say it's best you wait for a few more weeks, just know, Mama and Dad are ready whenever you are.

Some things to note about me at this stage:
- I thought I was waddling before, but now, holy penguin mama. Imagine you have to walk without bending your knees. Well that's how I'm walking even though I can bend my knees!
- I LOVE WATERMELON. I'm thinking you do too because you wiggle and stretch every time I eat some. I'm on my second melon in two weeks.
- Getting up out of chairs, couches and bed are proving to be a difficult task. Your Dad never ceases to lend an arm.
- Fonzie has started to be mama's shadow. He loves to drape himself across my lap. I think he knows you're coming and already loves and is protective of you.
- You add, what feels like 5-10 degrees to my body temperature. You are a little furnace!
- I only wear skirts and dresses at this point. I think to myself, "what is the point of pants?" They're terrible and constricting and hot and really aide the waddle.

Love you forever,

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