
Friday, May 31, 2013

Birth Plan

I had never heard of a birth "plan" before. I suppose, why would I? Before I became pregnant, educated myself and dug deeper into what it means to labor and give birth today (in hospitals and in the US), I always thought it was just instinctual. I thought you start to have contractions and things get going and then baby is born! This was my linear thought process- I am women= made to get pregnant= made to be able to give birth.

While my naivety wasn't completely off, I soon realized that today there are options and sometimes if you don't have your own opinion, you become subject to the "way" it's done. I learned that you have to voice what you want out of your own experience before it has even happened! I learned that MANY things could happen during labor and there are MANY options and when I have too many options in front of me then I can become flustered, confused and lose confidence.  The thought of this still seems so silly, but after educating myself about how hospital births generally go and realizing that was never what I envisioned for my own experience, I decided I needed to create a birth plan.

A birth plan is how you'd ideally wish your labor and birth experience to go. It's created in the event that should everything go well, you'd have the midwives, doctors, nurses and doula's follow your guidelines. It's also recommended to have this done because labor is freaking tiring, quite painful... it's labor and who wants to try to think about anything else but bringing baby safely into the world? However, I have an opinion, and I want to make it known. So why not be prepared and simply hand over a piece of paper to everyone that enters the room and not have to say anything?

Below is our birth plan. While it is a personal document, I think it's educational as well. I place no judgement on those who have a different plan. I think that's wonderful because it's yours! This is just what Matt and I would like if all goes smoothly and we can call the shots (or lack of shots... that will make sense only if you read the birth plan).


We have prepared for a natural, non-medicated childbirth. All of the below preferences are assuming mom and baby are healthy and safe.

In case of medical emergency, please take a look at cesarean preferences and we trust the doctors and nurses to make necessary choices.

Before Labor Begins:
- As long as baby and I are healthy, I'd like to go at least 10-14 days over my due date
- If induction is necessary, I would like to try natural induction techniques first: Breast stimulation, acupuncture, walking, intercourse, herbs

During Labor:
- I would like to labor at home as long as possible.
- I would like my husband, Matthew Melander and mother, Beth Roberts, with me at all times as well as Doula Jenna Hamel no matter what.
- No resident students attending my birth
- No IV, self-hydration instead. If IV is needed, please use a hep-lock IV
- No augmentation (ex: Pitocin, rupture of membranes)
- Freedom to wear my own clothes
- Freedom to walk around, use the shower/bath
- Intermittent Fetal monitoring, with doppler or remote.
- Freedom to eat and drink

Preferred Pain Relief:
- No medicinal intervention
- Use of breathing techniques
- Use of massage
- Use of water (bath/shower)
- Use of acupressure
- Use of guided relaxation

2nd Stage Labor:
- Use of a squatting bar and alternative positions for pushing (hands and knees, side-lying, standing, etc)
- No episiotomy, use of Perineal massage instead
- Baby to be placed on chest immediately
- Matthew Melander to cut cord after cord stops pulsing.
- Please allow for bonding and postpone routine procedures.

3rd Stage Labor:
- I would prefer the placenta to be born spontaneously without the use of pitocin and/or controlled traction on the umbilical cord.

Baby Care:
- Breastfeed as soon as possible
- All newborn routine procedures to be performed in my presence.
- Eye ointment and Vitamin K shot NOT to be given
- Full Rooming in of baby
- No supplementation with formula or glucose without parental consent.
- No pacifiers
- I prefer all immunizations to be postponed.
- Bathe baby after mom and baby have had bonding time
- I would like to see a lactation consultant
- If baby's health is in jeopardy, I'd like to express my milk for baby
- If the baby has any problems and needs to leave the room, I'd like my husband to be with the baby at all times.

If medically necessary, Cesarean Preferences:
- I would like to remain conscious
- I would like to have contact with the baby as soon as possible
- If possible discuss all anesthesia options with me
- Please discuss post-operative pain medication options with be before or immediately following the procedure
- I would like to sign an waivers necessary to permit me to be with my baby in recovery

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